Thomas Bachmann and Gabriel Eckenstein launched their international business in 1999. They specialize in painting, calligraphy, and ceramics from the Momoyama up to the Taisho Period, 16th to early 20th centuries.
Dealing always was and still is their main business. Nevertheless consulting and curating have become more and more important, for both private clients, and museums. Whereas consulting can be a short term assignment in the process of decision shaping and decision making, curating tends to be a long term involvement with a collection. Depending on the client’s vision, we can help the client to create strategies to build, to improve, or to dissolve a collection. BachmannEckenstein | JapaneseArt are based in Basel the cultural capital of Switzerland, right in the center of the old continent and half way between Japan and the United States. They are regular participants and exhibitors of New York Asia Week. Exhibitions in their gallery in a 19th century residential building are held occasionally.